Crystal Lake Association
316A Sandy Beach Rd
 Ellington, CT 06029

Invasive/Aquatic Plant Identification

Invasive/Aquatic Plant Reporting

 It is very helpful to report the sighting of a plant that you suspect may be a new invasive species to Crystal Lake. To date only Variable Leaf Milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) and Mud-Mat (Glossostigma) are invasives in the Lake. Monitoring and reporting any new plants is critical to the protection and management of the lake. 

Variable Leaf Milfoil is most prevalent in the cove and dam areas where you will see the Invasive Plant Area signs. 

Please Do not Enter These areas! Disturbance, cutting of these plants allows for proliferation of them. 

Mud-Mat is new to the lake in the last couple years. It is most prevalent on the West Shore in about 6-10 inches of water along the shoreline. The plant is small and looks like sprouts.

Take detailed photographs of the plant. Including something of commonly known size in the photo (examples: a coin, ruler, or a camera lens cover). and if possible the location where the sighting occurred and key landmarks. 

Please email your photo and information to the Crystal Lake Email address: 

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